My Goal as a “teacher of art” is to Empower You to express your artistic passion and message with good design, color, and limitless possibilities for creation. I have created 10 DVDs based on successful classes I have taught as workshops, seminars, and painting demonstrations for art magazines (i.e. “The Artist” and “American Artist”) and art workshop sponsors in the USA and Canada.
Each DVD (2 – 10) includes 2 separate art lessons. The first lesson is standard through out. It is regarding the Alphabet of Design or Dynamic Symmetry and more (35.13 minutes) There are also 2 segments on DVD #11 on Marketing your art.
Len Garon
Videos Lessons / lectures & painting demonstration by Len Garon.
My purpose is to awaken your highest potential as an artist and appreciator of the design and beauty of life and nature.
Len Garon gives his own secret tips about how the master artists apply good design and dynamic symmetry to start and finish a painting. This is introduction #1 to 10 DVDs art lessons. Don’t miss these amazing videos. Len gives you a “checklist” on how to apply the design elements to make your painting masterful.
Please click below to sample the other introductory videos:
2. Painting Artistic Landscapes & Flowers with “WOW”
3. Art of Painting Creative Portraits & Figures, People & Animals
DVD # 2 How to Start a Painting – The Power of Under-painting
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
The Power of Under-painting – The Secret to Successfully Starting a
Painting that has Energy (41.11 minutes)
DVD #3 How to Finish a Painting with Energy – Using the Alphabet of Art
Alphabet of Art – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
How to use Design to Finish a Painting with Power and Energy (54.17 minutes)
DVD #4 How to Paint Portraits with Mastery – Key Design Elements of the Face
Basic Portraiture – Understanding the Portrait Anatomy (32.46 minutes)
DVD #5 Paint Energized Pet Portraits for Fun and $$$ – The Easy Way
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
How To Paint Energized Pet Portraits Quickly and Accurately (45.37 minute)
DVD #6 Creative Portrait Painting – Master Class – Using a Creative Background
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
Advanced Portrait Painting – A Creative Experience (4l.21 minutes)
(I show you haw to use the under painting so the portraits almost paint themselves)
DVD #7 Painting Energized Flowers and Landscapes – Power of Under-painting
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
Painting Energized Flowers and Landscapes (58.19 minutes) (using Design, Color, Contrast and more)
DVD #8 Creative Figure Painting (with Underpainting) – Master Class
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
How to Paint Advanced Figure Paintings with Energy (46.30 minutes)
(I show how to use the under painting so the paintings almost paint themselves)
DVD #9 How to Capture the WOW in Your Painting
Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
How to Capture the WOW in Your Painting (53.52 minutes) (using Design, Color, Contrast and more)
DVD #10 Understand the Design of Raphael and More
The Alphabet of Design – The Thinking Process (35.13 minutes)
Understand the Thinking and Design of Raphael – A Rich Experience (45.37 minutes)
DVD #11 Marketing Ideas and Scripts for Selling Art
Marketing Your Art for Fun and Profit – Part 1 (35.13 minutes)
Marketing Your Art for Fun and Profit – Part 2 (53.52 minutes)